»姓名:王玺 | »系属:地质系 | |
»学位:博士 | »职称:讲师 | |
»专业:前寒武纪地质学、构造地质学 | »导师类别:无 | |
»电子邮箱:wangx@upc.edu.cn | ||
»通讯地址:山东省青岛市黄岛区长江西路66号 | ||
»概况 | ||
◎研究方向 前寒武纪地质学,大地构造学,地球化学 ◎教育经历 2004.9-2008.6 必赢bwin线路检测中心(华东),地质学专业,工学学士 2008.9-2011.6 必赢bwin线路检测中心(华东),地质学专业,构造地质方向,理学硕士 2011.9-2014.12 南京大学,地质学专业,前寒武纪地质学方向,博士研究生 ◎工作经历 2015.1-2016.11 南京大学,地质资源与地质工程,博士后 2016.12-至今 必赢bwin线路检测中心(华东),地质系,讲师 ◎学术兼职 ◎主讲课程 ◎指导研究生及博士后 ◎承担项目 [1]国家自然科学基金青年基金,41702198,华北中部吕梁地区新太古代构造-岩浆作用与地壳演化,2018/01-2020/12,23万元,在研,主持 [2]山东省自然科学基金博士基金,ZR2017BD008,山西吕梁地区新太古代-早古元古代岩浆作用与构造意义,2017/07-2019/07,7万元,在研,主持 [3]中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目,2016M591816,华北中部吕梁杂岩野鸡山群沉积时代与构造背景探讨,2016/03-2017/03,5万元,已结题,主持 ◎获奖情况 ◎荣誉称号 ◎著作 ◎论文 第一及通讯作者论文: XiWang, Wenbin Zhu*, Yin Liu, Meng Luo, Rongfeng Ge, He Zhang,Xingmin Ren, Xiang Cui. Revisiting the Yejishan Group of theLüliang Complex, North China: Implications for a Paleoproterozoicactive continental marginal basin in the Trans-North China Orogen.Precambrian Research, 2017, 292: 93-114. XiWang, Wenbin Zhu*, Rongfeng Ge, Meng Luo, Xiaoqing Zhu, QinglongZhang, Liangshu Wang, Xingmin Ren, Two episodes ofPaleoproterozoic metamorphosed mafic dykes in the Lvliang Complex:Implications for the evolution of the Trans-North China Orogen,Precambrian Research, 2014, 243: 133-148. XiWang, Wenbin Zhu*, Meng Luo, Xingmin Ren, Xiang Cui, Approximately1.78 Ga mafic dykes in the Lüliang Complex, North China Craton:Zircon ages and Lu-Hf isotopes, geochemistry, and implications,Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 2014, 15(8): 3123-3144. 王玺,陈清华,朱文斌,马婷婷,王晓蕾,刘寅,苏北盆地高邮凹陷边界断裂带构造特征及成因,大地构造与成矿学,2013,(01):20-28. 部分参与发表论文: XiangCui, Wenbin Zhu*, I.C.W. Fitzsimons, Xi Wang, Yuanzhi Lu, XinhuiWu. A possible transition from island arc to continental arcmagmatism in the eastern Jiangnan Orogen, South China: insightsfrom a Neoproterozoic (870–860 Ma) gabbroic–dioritic complexnear the Fuchuan ophiolite, Gondwana Research, 2017, 46: 1-16. YinLiu*, Qinghua Chen, Xi Wang, Kai Hu, Shaolei Cao, Lin Wu, FengGao. Influenceof normal fault growth and linkage on the evolution of a riftbasin: A case from the Gaoyou depression of the Subei Basin,eastern China, AAPG Bulletin, 2017, 101(2): 265-288. XiangCui, Wenbin Zhu*, I.C.W. Fitzsimons, Jingwen He, Yuanzhi Lu, XiWang, Rongfeng Ge, Bihai Zheng, Xinhui Wu, U-Pb age and Hf isotopecomposition of detrital zircons from Neoproterozoic sedimentaryunits in southern Anhui Province, South China: Implications forthe provenance, tectonic evolution and glacial history of theeastern Jiangnan Orogen, Precambrian Research, 2015, 271: 65-82. XiaoqingZhu, Wenbin Zhu*, Rongfeng Ge, Xi Wang, Late Paleozoic provenanceshift in the south-central North China Craton: Implications fortectonic evolution and crustal growth, Gondwana Research, 2014,25(1): 383-400. RongfengGe, Wenbin Zhu*, S.A. Wilde, Jingwen He, Xiang Cui, Xi Wang, BihaiZheng, Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic long-lived accretionary orogenyin the northern Tarim Craton, Tectonics, 2014, 33(3): 302-329. ◎专利 |